We’re guessing you’ve heard about CBD and THC. Maybe you’ve even tried one of the products that contain them.
But have you ever wondered what the difference is between CBD and THC?
Despite their commonalities, CBD and THC can provide different effects. THC is what gets consumers high, for example, while CBD contains no psychoactive properties. We’ve used both therapeutically for a long time now to treat a host of health problems including pain, seizures, nausea, and more.
Here’s a crash course on the two most common chemical compounds within the cannabis plant: THC vs CBD.
THC vs CBD: A Cannabinoid Field Guide
The world of CBD and THC is a complicated one.
To understand the difference between CBD and THC, we need to start with the basics: cannabinoid compounds.
Did you know that there are over 400 cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant? Each chemical plays its role in the process of healing and providing relief for multiple ailments. Cannabinoids are a class of chemical compounds found in cannabis plants (including hemp and marijuana), which include CBD and THC—the two most commonly discussed cannabinoids. They work by stimulating receptors in the brain and body, including those associated with pain, mood swings, appetite, memory, and more.
So now you’re probably wondering: what’s the difference between CBD and THC?
Here’s a quick breakdown.
THC – Tetrahydrocannabinol
THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a compound that can be found in both hemp and cannabis. It’s the psychoactive component of marijuana.
In other words, it’s what gets you high.
THC is the most common cannabinoid found in cannabis. It’s found in varying levels in different strains of marijuana—and these levels affect how you feel when you smoke or ingest your favorite strain. For example, sativa strains are higher in THC than Indica strains and tend to be with more energetic highs. Indica strains, on the other hand, tend to be more relaxing and sedative.
Humans have studied THC extensively for its potential medical benefits: It can help with pain management, as well as nausea and vomiting related to chemotherapy treatment. It works by increasing the amount of dopamine in your brain (aka, the happy chemical). The increase in dopamine causes a feeling of euphoria throughout your body. THC-rich strains are great for treating depression and pain.
So, that psychoactive “geeked” or “stoned” feeling you get when you consume most strains, that’s THC!
You can also find THC in other plants, like eucalyptus, which is why some people believe that smoking eucalyptus leaves can get them high. While this isn’t true (smoking something won’t get you high if it doesn’t contain THC), it does show how prevalent this compound is throughout nature.
CBD – Cannabidiol
If you’re new to CBD, it can be a bit of a head-tosser.
CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis. It’s one of over 100+ cannabinoids, which are natural compounds found in the cannabis plant. CBD is found in hemp and marijuana plants, but unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it does not produce a high. It’s the second most concentrated cannabinoid present in cannabis and has gained a lot of attention in the medical world for its ability to reduce inflammation, relax muscles and help with sleep, all without the psychoactive effects of THC.
CBD has shown benefits for anxiety and mental health, and even as a treatment for pain, inflammation, and other conditions. It has also shown that it can help counteract the stoned effects of THC, by helping to reduce unwanted side effects such as paranoia. Some medical professionals use strains rich in CBD to treat neurological disorders, epilepsy, and cancer.
CBD is a side-effect-free way to experience the benefits of cannabis.
What does this mean for you?
Well, if you’re looking for relief from anxiety or depression, for instance, you won’t find it by smoking pot because only about 10% of THC gets into your bloodstream when smoked or vaporized. Instead, try using full-spectrum CBD oil tinctures or capsules that contain all the cannabinoids found naturally in hemp (you can learn more about the different types of CBD products HERE). These will give you all the benefits of medical marijuana without any psychoactive effects!
Know the Difference Between THC vs CBD
Let’s face it – Cannabis is an amazing source of relief.
But what’s the difference between THC vs CBD?
The short answer is not much. Both cannabinoids are found in the cannabis plant, and they both cause different effects on the body. The main difference between THC and CBD is their legality—it’s possible to get arrested for having a certain amount of THC in your system, but it’s unlikely that you’d ever be arrested for having CBD in your system (though it’s still technically not legal everywere).
And at the end of the day, we can all agree that cannabis is a great source of relief for many ailments. Whether you’re looking for a calming effect or an energetic burst, cannabis has you covered. And while it shows to help treat pain and anxiety disorders, CBD and THC each have their benefits as well.
So if you’re interested in trying CBD for yourself, check out our store! We have everything from oils and edibles to topicals and tinctures—and they’re all available through our online platform!
Come back to The Happy Campers for all the latest cannabis news and findings.