Category Archives: Explore

What Are Cannabinoids?

What Are Cannabinoids?

It’s time for a crash course in Cannabinoids! If you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve heard the word “cannabinoid” before. Maybe you’ve even heard it used in conjunction with “cannabis” or “marijuana.” But what exactly is a cannabinoid? Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in cannabis plants. These compounds interact with your body’s endocannabinoid system […]

What Happens When You Combine Cannabis and Psilocybin?

What Happens When You Combine Cannabis and Psilocybin?

What happens when you combine cannabis and psilocybin? In short: It’s a trip. The combination of cannabis and psilocybin mushrooms (aka magic mushrooms) is an interesting one.  In terms of getting high, it’s something you should try at least once in your life. Psilocybin mushrooms are a type of psychedelic, while marijuana is a psychoactive […]

THC vs THCa: A Cannabinoid Field Guide

THC vs THCa: A Cannabinoid Field Guide

It’s a jungle out there, and it’s only getting more complicated. So, let us be your guide through the world of THC cannabinoids! Marijuana. Cannabis. Weed. Ganja. Mary Jane. Pot. Kush. Doobie. Whatever you call it, this psychotropic compound is a staple in the modern world of medicine, recreation and spiritual enlightenment.  The word marijuana […]

How To Roll A Joint: A Joint Rolling Guide For Cannabis Noobs

A Joint Rolling Guide For Cannabis Noobs

Well well well! You were just judged for dropping your weed. It’s in the grooves of the car floor, impossible to retrieve. And all because you never rolled a joint before… tragic. Well, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll happily teach you what you need to know for your next sesh. Joints are the […]

THC vs CBD: A Cannabinoid Field Guide

THC vs CBD A Cannabinoid Field Guide

We’re guessing you’ve heard about CBD and THC. Maybe you’ve even tried one of the products that contain them.  But have you ever wondered what the difference is between CBD and THC? Despite their commonalities, CBD and THC can provide different effects. THC is what gets consumers high, for example, while CBD contains no psychoactive […]

What Is CBD? A Cannabis Field Guide

CBD oil dropper with doctor looking under a microscope in the background

There’s so much fuss these days about cannabis, it’s hard not to get lost in the weeds. Well wonder no more, Campers. Because today, we’re answering the question: What is CBD? Consider this your Cannabis Field Guide!  Cannabis has been used as medicine since ancient times, but it wasn’t until recently that modern science began […]

How To Have A Safe Psilocybin Trip: Psilocybin Trip Guide

how to have a safe psilocybin trip written over a photo of hands holding mushrooms

Planning on taking a trip? Magic mushrooms could be just the ticket you’re looking for! If this sounds like you, stick around. Because today, we’re sharing our psilocybin trip guide. As the culture surrounding psychedelics shifts, more and more people have considered experimenting on their own. This is largely due to the growing evidence that […]

Medical Marijuana vs Recreational Marijuana

Medical Marijuana vs Recreational

Every stoner knows that smoking a doobie or two usually results in a good time. But did you know that your stash can be medically prescribed?  Recently, conversations regarding marijuana have become a lot more nuanced. In the last decade, legislation has changed in favor of attempting to understand cannabis and its health benefits.  Think […]

Exploring the Many Names of Cannabis: Weed, Ganja, Mary Jane & More

marijuana names dictionary

Names of Cannabis | Source: The Happy Campers If you’re anything like us, you’ve probably heard a ton of different names for cannabis over the years.  From old-school nicknames to new-age slang, there’s an endless list of ways to reefer-ence (see what we did there?) cannabis and cannabis concentrates. So, in this article, we’re going […]